Classic Harry Malibirr
Classic Beswick is a series of reproductions on paper. Designed to increase inclusion and support for our senior or elderly artists by creating a portfolio of artworks which can be released as the artist’s capabilities change over time. This is Classic Harry Malibirr.
Artist details below.
Material: 308gsm heavy weight acid free cotton rag art paper
Size: 20cm x 20cm
Classic Beswick is a series of reproductions on paper. Designed to increase inclusion and support for our senior or elderly artists by creating a portfolio of artworks which can be released as the artist’s capabilities change over time. This is Classic Harry Malibirr.
Artist details below.
Material: 308gsm heavy weight acid free cotton rag art paper
Size: 20cm x 20cm
Classic Beswick is a series of reproductions on paper. Designed to increase inclusion and support for our senior or elderly artists by creating a portfolio of artworks which can be released as the artist’s capabilities change over time. This is Classic Harry Malibirr.
Artist details below.
Material: 308gsm heavy weight acid free cotton rag art paper
Size: 20cm x 20cm
Senior artists at Djilpin Arts have been sharing culture for decades, ensuring knowledge is being passed on for future generations. As time passes, mobility, steady hand or vision issues increase, with the artist’s ability to document and transfer stories becoming somewhat reduced. Djilpin is supporting our artists to stay connected and maintain income through our Classic Beswick Series.
About Harry Malibirr
Harry was born at Elcho Island and is an artistic cultural man through mediums of painting, carving and ceremonial dancing of Bungul. Harry learned art through watching and absorbing knowledge from his father and uncle. Both were painters who encouraged Harry to paint small bits of their art, helping gather knowledge, skills and confidence. Harry works with both modern acrylics, as well as traditional ochres/stones and is confident with a Jarlk reed brush. He works on canvas and bark, while also carving yidaki or didj, and larrakitj or lorrkon.
Bush Tools
This piece depicts a series of important bush tools: Stone blades, dilybags, coolamons or water carriers, and bondocks or woomeras. Some fire starting implements can also be seen.
Sugarbag Tucker
Story coming soon…!